Insight 2
The workforce is still on the move but not necessarily in STEM fields…
According to the official data from ONS, job-to-job change rates across “all occupations” increased in Q4 2022 totaling around 3% of the workforce switching employers or hirers over the quarter.
LinkedIn’s job change data (which includes both company-to-company and internal moves), demonstrates an all-occupation job change run-rate rise to 6.0%.
38% of individuals moved as a result of redundancy while "Other reasons" captures moves due to contract work conclusion which decreased by 20% in Q4 2022 vs Q4 2021. This, combined with the high level of job changes observed throughout 2022, further emphasizes the issue of skills shortages.
The job-to-job change rate was particularly high among IT and engineering workers, but these rates were lower than the previous quarter.
Source: Gattaca analysis of LinkedIn data
Engineering job-change run-rates: 12.8% down from 16.0%
IT job-change run-rates: 13.2% down from 15.2%
Hear how Matchtech recruitment consultant Jess Wormley addresses challenges of skills shortage and gaps in the environment sector
As a consequence of the UK’s key skills shortages, reliance upon migratory talent is increasing - notably for workers from outside the EU.
Whilst EU national worker numbers were identical year on year (7% of the UK workforce), the number of non-EU nationals rose by 23% (351k) to 6%.
All in employment (aged 16+), Oct-Dec 2022
UK workers
Non-EU workers
EU 27 workers
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